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In the Word: The Grim Shepherd
He visits every living thing, but those with understanding need not be afraid
How Much Content Is Enough?
Give as much biblical information as people need to understand the passage, and no more.
How to Teach Stewardship
How to make sure your church acts as a good steward of the resources given to it.
Team Devotion
Do I Have to Give a Tenth?
A giver's attitude and sacrifice are more important than amounts and percentages.
The Heresy of Application
It's hard to apply Scripture wisely, but here's help.
Preaching with a Limp
Preaching to Everyone in Particular
Find varied applications and scatter them throughout the sermon.
Helping Christians in the Marketplace Make Tough Decisions
Preachers should acknowledge ambiguous choices and point to importance of motives.
The Biggest Idea (part 1)
Doctrine is huge. Bigger than life, in the minds of many. Too much for feeble minds on Sunday morning, say others. Here's how to keep your feet on the ground when preaching about the things of God.
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